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Testosterone Guide – Optimizing Testosterone Levels In 2020

Do you suffer from low testosterone levels?

Hi and welcome! I started this site because like allot middle-aged men, I was starting to suffer from symptoms of low testosterone. A check at the doctor’s office confirmed that my testosterone levels were indeed very low. I started to research the topic and ways to increase my levels. As you probably discovered already there is a lot of conflicting and confusing information about testosterone therapy. Maybe you are looking for natural ways to increase testosterone or maybe you want information about testosterone creamsnatural testosterone gel or testosterone supplements designed to boost your body’s production.

Testosterone: What you need to know


By the age of 30, a man’s testosterone level may have dropped as much as 80%. This decline in testosterone occurs gradually, starting as early as his mid-30s, and can result in an increased risk of life-threatening illnesses such as obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Testosterone deficiency can also lead to many disturbing symptoms, including loss of stamina and lean muscle mass, reduced libido, anxiety, depression, and cognitive decline. This condition is known as andropause, and these changes are the male equivalent of female menopause.

But unlike menopause, however, the drop in testosterone is so gradual that the symptoms of andropause appear over a longer period of time. The good news is that many symptoms of low testosterone levels can be reversed by restoring youthful testosterone levels in a variety of ways. Millions of men are now using testosterone-building supplements and even testosterone itself for this reason. A recent study found that men with lower testosterone levels were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease and all causes compared with men who had higher levels.

The authors concluded that low testosterone may be a predictive marker for those at high risk of cardiovascular disease2 Another review from the Baylor College of Medicine reported that there is a higher prevalence of depression, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, fracture rates, frailty, and even dementia with low testosterone states. You might now be asking yourself Why hasn’t my doctor discussed these risks with me and why haven’t I been tested for low testosterone levels? Why am I just hearing about this?…   Read the full article at: Optimizing Testosterone Levels in Aging Men

Symptoms of Low Testosterone

Most men who restore their testosterone level to that of youthful ranges experience a better quality of life.

Common symptoms for  men with low testosterone are:

  • Sexual problems such as decreased desire, erectile dysfunction, difficulty achieving orgasm, and reduced intensity of orgasm
  • Low energy and increased fatigue
  • Loss of motivation
  • Depressed mood
  • Loss of sense of well-being and vigour.

When low testosterone is corrected, most men see improvements in some or all of the above symptoms. It is interesting to notice that the symptoms of low testosterone are the same as to what people would expect with normal aging.

How men can safely use testosterone to restore libido

As testosterone levels decline, it becomes more complicated for the ageing male to become awakened by sexual stimuli. Middle-aged men with testosterone deficiency regularly whinge it takes a sustained level of arousal to allow them to perform, while in their younger years, the tiniest sexual image would serve. Men with testosterone delinquency regularly complain about a depressed mood that discourages them from even fantasizing about sex. Restoring correct hormone balance can ease some types of depression and revive the sex lives of many aged men. In the latter 1930s, analysts gave testosterone-like drugs to testosterone deficient men and noted a noteworthy restoration of sexual stimulation and activity.

Regardless of the plain benefit, these artificial testosterone drugs produced unwished-for complications that precluded their long term use. Today, men have accessibility to natural testosterone supplements that revive young hormone levels, without engendering the complications linked with older drugs. Inventive consultants are using natural testosterone patches and creams to reawaken their male subjects ‘ interest and inducement for sex. As would be anticipated, testosterone restoration makes it simpler for men to become physically incentivized helping improve the quality and period of their sexual episodes.

Testosterone’s effects on libido

Sexual excitation starts in the brain when neuronal testosterone-receptor sites are inspired to ignite a cascade of biochemical events that involve testosterone-receptor sites in the nerves, arteries and muscles. Free testosterone promotes the first sexual urge and then helps performance, sensation and the general degree of satisfaction. Without acceptable levels of free testosterone, the standard of a man’s sex life is impacted, and the jennies atrophy. When free testosterone levels are revived to fresh levels, positive changes in structure and function of the sex organs can be predicted.

Optimizing Testosterone Levels in ageing Men

Testosterone, the chief male hormone, is necessary for libido and erectile function and plays a vital part in mood, energy, bone health, and body. Testosterone levels decline with age, customarily starting in a man’s mid-30s. Reducing testosterone levels have been associated with afflictions like depression, fatigue, weight and cognitive decline.

Low testosterone levels increase the danger of coronary disease as well as all-cause and cardiac mortality.

Restoring testosterone to young levels offers men a plethora of health benefits, including advantages for heart health, body composition, mood, and memory.

Bioidentical testosterone hasn’t been discovered to possess unfavourable effects on the healthful prostate gland fact, it may help improve prostate symptoms in men with low-normal testosterone levels. Testosterone treatment is contraindicated in men with prostate problems.

Regular blood testing will help you and your surgeon decide if testosterone treatment is best for you. Improving testosterone levels needs a multi-pronged approach that includes ideal diet, correct nourishment, nutritive additions, exercise, and bioidentical testosterone, when necessary.

Testosterone Supplements.

There are hundreds of studies today showing the health benefits and safety of testosterone therapy. They are ways you can increase your testosterone levels naturally and there are also many products that can help increase low levels of testosterone.

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Testosterone cream

Testosterone cream is becoming more and more popular because it does not irritate the skin as much as patches or the other transdermal testosterone form, testosterone gel and creams. Testosterone cream is applied once every 24 hours increasing testosterone also through releasing testosterone into the bloodstream. This form of natural testosterone can be spread on different areas of the body including the upper arms, shoulders, thighs, and stomach area.

Transdermal gels

Transdermal gels are additional forms of testosterone delivery. To increase testosterone using gels apply once daily to the clean dry skin of the upper arms or abdomen. When increasing testosterone with gels it is important to allow them to dry before getting dressed. This form of testosterone must be spread on the body at least six hours before bathing or swimming.

Foods That Increase Testosterone Naturally

Around the age of 28, testosterone levels begin to decline in both male and females. One of the most foretelling signs of this decrease is an increase in weight and a decrease in energy. One good thing is that testosterone levels can be increased through proper diet and some lifestyle changes such as getting enough sleep and lifting weights.

In men, eating the right foods ensures that the testicles secrete a sufficient amount of testosterone. While no foods can cause you to produce plenty of testosterone, choose foods high in certain fats, vitamins and minerals bring previously low levels up to normal. Steak, olives, Avocados, Eggs, Nuts, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage and Zinc are some examples.

If you feel you have low testosterone levels, see a physician and consult a health care practitioner before beginning any dietary program.

Vitamins and Minerals are necessary to Increase Testosterone

Both vitamins contribute to your ability to produce testosterone. Vitamin A is found in carrots, calf’s liver, spinach, sweet potatoes and kale. Vitamin D is critical for testosterone production, and low vitamin D levels contribute to lower testosterone levels. Vitamin D is found in oily fish, such as fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, making salmon and cod even better dietary choices. Vitamin D can also be found in liver, milk and eggs.

Both magnesium and zinc contribute to your ability to produce testosterone. Magnesium is found in tuna and halibut, bananas and figs, and milk. Many grains, nuts and vegetables contain magnesium, including most leafy green vegetables. Zinc is critical in the formation of testosterone from dietary sterols. Various nuts and seeds have high levels of zinc, including watermelon seeds and pumpkin seeds. Zinc is found in high concentrations in oysters, veal liver and roast beef.


Remember, always check with your doctor if you have low levels of testosterone and if treatment is suitable or needed. We do not offer medical advice and the information on this page is solely for general information purposes only.

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