The Most Efficient Way To Lose Weight

Are you tired of all that fat that has accumulated around your belly during this COVID-19 pandemic? Are you sick of watching those Jenny Craig and weight watchers commercials and being able to do nothing about it? Well, forget about the TV and read this article.

During the next few months, thousands of people will attempt to get rid of that unwanted fat around their abs, but only a few will succeed. That is because most of them do not know the right techniques to go around losing weight. By writing this article, I hope to familiarize you with the knowledge required to do so.

You do not have to starve your body to lose fat. Obviously, the body’s main goal is survival. Starving your body will only result in your body shedding muscle and not fat. In order to lose fat, you have to use a two-pronged approach. Think of it as waging war on two fronts. On the one side, you have to eat small meals frequently. And on the other side, you have to workout regularly.

The Best Way To Lose Weight

Plan ahead. If you are leaving your program to chance, then you are bound for failure. Understand that eating foods high in fat and low in carbs and proteins will only contribute to weight gain. Allow no room for distraction. Be consistent with yourself. Make a simple outline of the foods (low or no-fat, obviously) that will contribute to your program and list your workout routine for the next week.

Your goals should be evolving every couple of weeks. If you base your weight loss program on the same boring workout day after day, you will make the same mistake that causes thousands of people to quit halfway through. Your body is a dynamic machine that adapts to change faster than you might expect. Therefore, the importance of modifying your goals is to keep your body from adapting.

If your goal is to lose ‘x’ amount of weight, think of that goal as a gradual process. You should strive to reach your personal best in every workout session. The ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.”

That is how you should think of your workouts. While on your way to the gym, think of a new goal. For example, if you normally bench 130 pounds, say to yourself that today you will bench 135. Or maybe your goal could be to take 5 seconds off your 1 mile best time.

The following steps will help you to achieve that awesome physique you always wanted!

Aerobic Training

Setting the treadmill to full speed within your aerobic workout within the first couple of minutes will place unnecessary stress on your muscles and joints. Starting slow and gradually increasing the speed will prevent you from straining yourself.

And never forget to cool down after an aerobic session. The goal is progress, not injury.

Lift Weights 3-4 Times A Week

You need to train the major muscle groups (chestbiceps, etc.) only once a week using proper form. It would be best to focus on contracting the muscle during the concentric movement and going slow during the lowering part. You do not have to lift 300 pounds to get a good workout.

You should go all-out for a new personal best with each workout. Your goal should be to knowingly stress your muscles, forcing them to overcome greater intensities during each workout gradually.

Drink Plenty Of Water

Drink at least a gallon of water, not soda, a day.

Nutritional Meals

Instead of 3 large meals a day, eat 5-6 smaller meals. If you are trying to cut, focus on a high protein, low carb, and low-fat diet. Try to get different protein sources – meateggssoy, etc. Eat only until you are satisfied, not until you are full.

Skip the junk food and eat wholesome foods. Fibrous foods such as vegetables will also assist in digestion, especially if you drink lots of protein shakes.

Watch Your Calories

You will be losing weight only if you eat fewer calories than you burn. A cheat day is often helpful in changing up the monotonous routine, but that doesn’t mean that you should gorge down massive amounts of food. When you feel tempted to have that midnight snack, realize that you may be destroying an entire day’s hard work.

Using Supplements

Even though supplements are not necessary, they can certainly enhance your workout and make your program (weight loss/muscle gain) more effective. I usually take multivitaminswhey protein, and glucosamine. Multivitamins affect your metabolism and overall health. Protein powder is good for packing muscle, and glucosamine is useful in repairing cartilage (especially if you run a lot).


Try to sleep 8 hours a day, at least. I know its not possible everyday but try your best. Muscles don’t grow in the gym; they grow when you are resting. Repeated lack of sleep will also make you grumpy and entice you to miss workouts.