Powerlifting For Bodybuilders

Powerlifting For Bodybuilders

When people hear the word ‘power’, the first thing that pops into their minds is a rigid and strong athlete… someone that can lift heavy objects and sprint high speeds… that’s lean and almost statuesque… Unfortunately, hair metal isn’t the only thing...
Exercises For Hamstrings Of Steel

Exercises For Hamstrings Of Steel

When you want to run fast, jump high, or just have a set of huge wheels to show off, the development of the hamstrings and overall posterior chain is critical to your end results. If you’re already incorporating staple exercises such as Olympic Lifts, Deadlifts, and...
Build Muscle Fast And Achieve Quicker Results

Build Muscle Fast And Achieve Quicker Results

As bodybuilders, we’re always searching for the fastest, most effective way to build muscle and achieve great results. It’s our impatient qualities that keep the supplement market flooded with new products, many of which are nothing more than hype. We...
Ginkgo Biloba Health Benefits, Use & Dosage

Ginkgo Biloba Health Benefits, Use & Dosage

What is Ginkgo biloba ? The Ginkgo Biloba tree is the only living descendant of many species in the family Ginkgoaceae that flourished for more than 200 million years ago when dinosaurs were roaming. It is the oldest known plant and earned the name “the living...
Vitamin D: The Benefits And Best Sources

Vitamin D: The Benefits And Best Sources

Vitamin D has 2 major forms, vitamin D2, and D3. Among the two the most beneficial to the human body is the vitamin D3 because it controls the level of phosphorous in the blood and calcium that are very important in terms of bone development and growth. Vitamin D2 on...
Cocaine – Everything About Cocaine

Cocaine – Everything About Cocaine

With the recent popularity of serotonin re-uptake inhibitors such as Prozac, the public has acquired the idea that monoamine uptake inhibition to treat psychiatric disorders is a man-made concept. But long before the tricyclics and SSRIs were synthesized, Mother...